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Discovery Admin Workspace

Introduction | Discovery Admin Workspace v1.2.4




ServiceNow introduced the Discovery Admin Workspace via the ServiceNow Store on 2023-11-02. 

Though 'Discovery Admin' by QuickNexus has been on the ServiceNow Store for several years before the introduction of the 'Discovery Admin Workspace', due to the common name between the 'Discovery Admin Workspace' by ServiceNow and 'Discovery Admin' by QuickNexus, we suspect it may cause some confusion. 

To help clarify any confusion, we will consistently track and explain what is present in the latest version of the 'Discovery Admin Workspace', explain the benefits of the 'Discovery Admin Workspace', and highlight how its features align with and complement 'Discovery Admin' by QuickNexus.

'Discovery Admin' by QuickNexus already syncs with 'Discovery Home' (by ServiceNow) to pull in relevant insights, if present in 'Discovery Home'.

Though the 'Discovery Admin Workspace' does not provide any insights into ServiceNow Discovery (like Discovery Home) we will continue to monitor the latest releases of the 'Discovery Admin Workspace' and sync anything relevant from the 'Discovery Admin Workspace' with 'Discovery Admin'.

Independently, see more than 50 unique Customer Use Cases that our current Customers leverage 'Discovery Admin', to make ServiceNow Discovery Work EVEN BETTER!


Discovery Admin Workspace v1.2.4 (2 mins :: 03 secs)


This video summarizes the latest release of the 'Discovery Admin Workspace' and highlights how the ITOM Content Service for SNMP OIDs aligns with and complements 'Discovery Admin' by QuickNexus.

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