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Instance Cloning Considerations

Introduction | Cloning Strategy | KMF Error | NOTE




While Discovery Admin is a Scoped App, it does extend from several out-of-the-box tables.

This may cause conflicts or omissions when standard system clones are done as a part of the regular maintenance of your ServiceNow Instance(s).


Cloning Strategy


We recommend Discovery Admin configurations to be directly done in Production. This way, the Target Instance (non-Production) can be cloned over any time, without the need for any additional steps.

To prevent corruption of the Discovery Admin App, we recommend updating your cloning strategy to exclude from the source and preserve on the target any tables starting with x_qune_da and any objects in the Application Scope = Discovery Admin.

For your Target Instance, it is best to Install Discovery Admin (via the Plugins Module) as a clean install vs having the install done as a part of the clone. The installation of Discovery Admin is plug-and-play and can be done in a few minutes. Then, Migrate Customer-Specific Configurations like Incident Error Codes, Properties, Reports, Dashboards, etc. to the target instance via Update Set(s) or XML(s).

To fix a corrupted installation of Discovery Admin (due to a clone):


KMF Error


If Discovery Admin does not run in a non-Prod Instance after a Clone and the corresponding System Logs show a 'KMF Error', then 'Repair' the Discovery Admin Installation via the 'Repair' UI Action for the Discovery Admin App (under the Plugins Module)




In rare cases, there may be a need to retain configurations in the non-Production Target Instance.

Any need to retain configurations in the non-Production Target Instance must to questioned and rationalized, before taking following the steps below:

  • If you have captured all the configurations in an Update Set in the Discovery Admin Application Scope, back up the Update Set before the Clone from the Target Instance and restore the Update Set after the Clone to the same Target Instance.

  • Alternatively, XML Export the following Tables and XML Import them in the order below:

    • x_qune_da_incident_error_code

    • x_qune_da_ar_incident_error_code_mapping

  • Additionally, manually make a note of all the values of the modified Discovery Admin > Properties so they can be manually restored after the Clone

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