Event Registry
Introduction | Troubleshooting (Table) | Scheduled Troubleshooting (Table)
MID Server (Table) | MID Server Issues (Table) | Discovery Status (Table)
Upgrade History Log (internal use) | Background Queues (internal use)
These are all the events that can be generated by Discovery Admin.
Optionally, Email Notifications can be created from these events to help manage ServiceNow Discovery and Discovery Admin, without the need to log in to your ServiceNow Instance.
Troubleshooting (Table)
Event Name (Status CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.trbl_analyzing_discovery_ logs (Analyzing Discovery Logs)
x_qune_da.trbl_paused (Paused)
x_qune_da.trbl_resuming (Resuming)
x_qune_da.trbl_analysis_executed (Analysis Executed)
x_qune_da.trbl_generating_incidents (Generating Incidents)
x_qune_da.trbl_incidents_generated (Incidents Generated)
Tracks the Status of the Troubleshooting Record in Discovery Admin.
Event Name (Status CHANGES to Canceled) due to REASON
x_qune_da.trbl_canceled (Canceled) via UI Action
x_qune_da.trbl_canceled_S_C_N_R (Canceled) due to Skipped Changes Not Reviewed (post-upgrade-steps)
x_qune_da.trbl_canceled_I_F (Canceled) due to Initialization Failed (permissions)
x_qune_da.trbl_canceled_A_C_S (Canceled) due to Application Cross-Scope (application-cross-scope-configuration)
Tracks the reason why the Troubleshooting Record in Discovery Admin got canceled.
Event Name (Status CHANGES to) - Future Use
x_qune_da.trbl_error (Error)
x_qune_da.trbl_awaiting_input (Awaiting Input)
x_qune_da.trbl_ready_for_analysis (Ready For Analysis)
x_qune_da.trbl_initializing_progress (Initializing in Progress)
Not generated by Discovery Admin. Reserved for future use.
Scheduled Troubleshooting (Table)
Event Name (Active CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.st_active_true (True)
x_qune_da.st_active_false (False)
Tracks the Active Flag on the Scheduled Troubleshooting Record.
Event Name (ACTION)
x_qune_da.st_created (CREATED)
x_qune_da.st_deleted (DELETED)
Tracks the Creation or Deletion of the Scheduled Troubleshooting Record.
MID Server (Table)
Event Name (Status CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_status_upgrading (Upgrading)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_status_upgrade_fail_ (Upgrade Failed)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_status_up (Up)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_status_paused (Paused)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_status_down (Down)
Tracks the Status of the MID Server.
Event Name (Validated CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_validated_validating (Validating)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_validated_true (Yes)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_validated_false (No)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_validated_rekey (Rekey)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_validated_fail (Validation Fail)
Tracks the Validted Status of the MID Server.
MID Server Issues (Table)
Event Name (States CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_issue_state_new (New)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_issue_state_resolved (Resolved)
x_qune_da.ecc_agent_issue_state_ack (Acknowledged)
Tracks the State of the MID Server Issues.
Discovery Status (Table)
Event Name (Status CHANGES to)
x_qune_da.discovery_status_state_start (Starting)
x_qune_da.discovery_status_state_active (Active)
x_qune_da.discovery_status_state_comple_ (Completed)
x_qune_da.discovery_status_state_cancel (Cancel)
Tracks the Status of the Discovery Status.
Upgrade History Log (internal use)
Event Name: via FUNCTION for DA
x_qune_da.upgrade_history_log_iec: via process_iec_changes() to restore Discovery Admin Incident Error Codes
x_qune_da.upgrade_history_log_properties: via process_app_property_changes() to restore Discovery Admin Properties
Background Queues (internal use)
Event Name { UI ACTION } on Discovery Status Table
x_qune_da.ea_form { Discovery Admin }
x_qune_da.ea_form: via { Troubleshoot with Discovery Admin } *
Event Name { UI ACTION } on Troubleshooting Table
x_qune_da.gi_form { Generate Incidents }
x_qune_da.ea_form { Resume } *
x_qune_da_ea_st { Resume } from Scheduled Troubleshooting **
x_qune_da_ea_st_priority { Resume } from prioritized Scheduled Troubleshooting ***
Event Name { UI ACTION } on Scheduled Troubleshooting Table
x_qune_da.ea_form { Execute Now } *
Event Name (BACKGROUND) on Scheduled Troubleshooting Table when CONDITION
x_qune_da_ea_st (System Trigger) when Priority = false **
x_qune_da_ea_st_priority (System Trigger) when Priority = true ***
x_qune_da.execute_analysis: Deprecated as of v9.3
x_qune_da.generate_incident: Deprecated as of v9.3
x_qune_da.ea_list: Deprecated as of v9.5
* same Event triggered via multiple scenarios (x_qune_da.ea_form)
** same Event triggered via multiple scenarios (x_qune_da_ea_st)
*** same Event triggered via multiple scenarios (x_qune_da_ea_st_priority)